Before everyone starts asking for another series of Muslim apologies for an incident I had nothing to do with

I would like to ask Average American Joe’s apologies for:

The genocide that cut the American Indian population from 100% of what became the United States, down to 1.6% due to attacks on their homeland, theft of said land, forced migration, and the spread of white person-borne diseases.

The enslavement of 4 million human beings, who were then subjected to torturous punishments, brutal labor conditions, forced family separations, and other crimes against humanity

77 years of Jim Crow laws

155 years of the Klu Kluz Klan – terrorizing people for a period of time longer than Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and ISIS have been around (and I didn’t see no foreign country swooping in to end this terror group, but mkay)

That’s also 155 years (or more) of lynchings

Over 400 years of causing nonwhite children to see themselves as ugly and then forcing them to grow up too quickly because of the racial hierarchy America built

The creation of structures and institutions in the fields of health, politics, economics, etc, in keeping the playing field uneven

Turning away Jewish people coming over on boats and sending them back to Germany to be massacred during WWII

…And then allowing the US military to work with Nazi scientists

The concentration camps (but because Americans did it we call them internment camps because hahaha of course we’re better than the enemy) built to detain Japanese Americans

Dropping two atomic bombs on civilian areas, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and don’t tell me it would just be a part of war if they’d dropped atomic bombs on NYC and LA

God knows how many foreign interventions that were neither necessary nor asked for, in Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia, all in the name of “human rights” but actually in the name of capitalism, political influence, one-upping Russia, and cheap oil

The death of 1 million Iraqi children due to sanctions

Killing Iranians with sanctions over their government’s nuclear program (because Americans, of course, are the only people allowed to nuke others)

Blindly supporting an Israel that locks Palestinians under apartheid

The holding of innocents in prisons like Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib

The death of Ahmaud Arbery, who was lynched by two white vigilantes for being black while jogging

ICE detentions and separating kids from their parents so they can be thrown in cages

(Message me if you have more to add to the list, friends. It’s a work in progress.)

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