
Perfect weekend

Wake up at maybe 8:30 (which, for me, counts as sleeping in). Smugly spend a few minutes thinking about how late I’ve slept. Get up, make chai, and then spend several hours in my room writing fiction from one of the 43,784,890 stories I’ve got hidden away on my Google Drive. Summon my five best …

No words

Chadwick Boseman meant so much to so many people. The whole world remembers how it celebrated when Black Panther came out in movie theaters. How people walked away dizzy from the thrill and teary-eyed from the beauty of the story. Countless little boys and girls saw themselves in the heroes of Wakanda. I can only …

A reminder

Afghanistan is an occupied state. Afghanistan is an occupied state. Afghanistan is an occupied state. Afghanistan is an occupied state. Afghanistan is an occupied state. Afghanistan is an occupied state. Afghanistan is an occupied state. Afghanistan is an occupied state. Afghanistan is an occupied state. Afghanistan is an occupied state. Afghanistan is an occupied state. …

What you shouldn’t do when discussing minority issues

Note: I’m writing this based on “discussions” I’ve seen regarding Black Lives Matter, the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and the Indian occupation of Kashmir. I use the words majority/minority for the sake of convenience; in some cases “underrepresented” and “represented group” would be more accurate terms. Everyone wants to be nuanced in a discussion. Nuance …